Monday, December 15, 2008

the baking club sunday december 14,2008

The baking club.
Here is the baking club
in the pictureis Aunt diane,Amy,Anna Colleen
they come over to bake choclate chip cookies Colleen brought here girlfriend name Erin
she is going to be in are bake club now.she is sure a wonderful person
henry the dog.grandmomvicki play music she play so great.
I cant wait until next 2009.
Anna was playing music too
I love our baking club.
love aunt Diane


Colleen and Jon said...
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Colleen and Jon said...

I Love our Baking club too Diane!! All my cookies are already gone and everyone at work is asking me for more! We're in high demand. Love you and can't wait to bake again next year :)