Thursday, December 23, 2010

thankgiving day

My brother Mark ,Rachel, Mara,Lena, Leo came on wed for thankgiving.and on wed my sister and brother-law had dinner with us. my nephew Leo was playing the piano My nieces Lena was playing the piano to. my nieces Mara was playing the piano. and my brother vaughn and my nephew Alex, alex was hook up my skype for me .
thurday was thankgiving day we went to my brother vaughn and my sister-law alex,anna,amy
house we all had a great time with the her family and our family. I took lots of picture.
on friday it was lady out . Rachel,Mara ,Lena,adrineh ,anna,amy veronica And aunt diane
we went to get our nailand feet done and we went out for lunch and shopping with girls
and had so much fun watch them shopping.
we went to the movies .went took mark out for his birthday he turn 47 year old .
sat nov 27 we sang happy birhtday to my brother mark.
Adrineh pick up Mara ,Lena to go shopping with Anna ,Amy and rachel and grandmomvicki
and I was go there for lunch. and after lunch we all had to say goodby to them

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