Saturday, January 19, 2013


Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Mark's family was flying in from Chicago to Philadelphia to spend Thanksgiving with his family.
We went to Vaughn and Adrineh's  house for dinner to see Mark and his family.
I took lots of group shots, like a nice picture of grandmom Vicki with her grandchildren.
We had a great time.

Thursday, November 22, 2012
We spent Thanksgiving Day at Vaughn and Adrineh's.
Harry carved the turkey for Thanksgiving and my three nephews were riding bikes.
Alex took Leo for a ride and I took lots of pictures of the family. We sat around the table and talked
and said prayers. We had such great food, it was nice see all my nieces and nephews.
Vaughn and Adrineh did a great job.
Friday, November 23, 2012
After Thanksgiving we all got together, including Aunt Marie, me, Aunt Rachel, Aunt Veronica and Aunt Adrineh.
The nieces came too (Colleen,Anna,Amy,Mara,Lena,Jen). We all went to the nail salon to get our nails and feet done. Then, we went out to lunch and then went shopping. They modeled their clothes for us. They all looked so pretty.
Then we all went out to get ice cream. Finally we came back to Vaughn and Adrineh's house
to have delicious armenian food.
Mark and Vaughn were putting shish kebabs and cooking them on the machine. My cousin Michael was holding the flashlight to see how it was going. I took a picture of Vaughn holding the shishes with the meat on it.
I also took a picture of Mark, Harry, Vaughn, Alex, Brian and Ronnie.
They all did a great job cooking. I met Amy's boyfriend and anna's boyfriend, they are nice.
We all had a great time.

Saturday, November 23, 2012
We went to breakfast at Vaughn and Adrineh's house. Vaughn made all of us breakfast.
Mom, Mark, Leo, Harry, Vaughn, Michael, Leslie, the girls and I went to the mall and then out to dinner. We sang happy birthday to Mark.
Their dad had to go back to Chicago on Sunday.

It was a really fun few days.
Love, Aunt Diane

1 comment:

Mark Hoplamazian said...

Hi Di!
It's Mark writing. You are doing great by way of celebrating our family gatherings and creating a great memory relived!
Love you,